Platonic Solids — Brendan Dougherty + Hannah Dougherty

Staycation Museum, Berlin — 9 August 2013, 19:00

Drawing inspiration from illegitimate natural sciences, Brendan and Hannah Dougherty present their newest collaboration, Platonic Solids at the Staycation Museum, Berlin. Using polyphonic sound and polyhedreic structures, combined with spurious information founded in janky science methodologies, the Doughertys invite you to join them as they present their research. There will be hot dogs and beer.

Brendan Dougherty is performer and composer working in theater, dance and music along with people like Meg Stuart, Jeremy Wade, Jochen Arbeit and Tony Buck. His own projects include Idiot Switch and Charrd.

Hannah Dougherty is an artist/scenographer based in Berlin. She studied painting at the Royal College of Art (London, UK). Her works have been exhibited in galleries and museums globally as well as seen on stage in theaters throughout Europe and America.